The blog will give you a sample of life in our school. All our staff, pupils and parents strive to make our school a happy place where learning is the central focus.
With a current enrolment of 117 children, the school prides itself on the quality of its pastoral care, its academic success, its strong sporting ethos, the quality of relations at all levels and its links with parents, the parish and the community. Children benefit from a wealth of experiences ranging from academic and sporting to pastoral with emphasis on positive relationships and inclusion.

Find out more at
Check out the Literacy, Numeracy and Science activities on the bottom of this page.
Mr Seamus McCreesh

Monday, 25 February 2013

Primary School Engineers!

Well done to the children who took part in the 'Bridging the Blackwater' STEM challenge recently in St. Peter's Primary School Collegelands. The team had to design and build a bridge using a selection of materials. The team were awarded 1st place in the competition.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Primary 4 Games

Primary 4 children made up their own games this week and brought the Primary 3 children in to try them out.

Pancake Tuesday!

St. Brigid's Crosses

Credit Union Quiz

The school entered two teams in the credit union quiz recently and amazingly they finished first and second. The winning team will it's place in the area final in Kelly's Inn on Saturday 3rd March.

Principal's Awards

These children received a special award for a an excellent piece of work

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Model Making in Primary 6/7

Primary six and seven children were very creative on Friday last when they were creating some models using clay.

Special Asembly

Primary 4 and 5 led our recent assembly based on the life of St. Bridget. The children played out a drama based  on how the St. Bridget's cross are made. The Primary 6 and 7 children led the assembly in prayers for the grandparents of the children. The whole school celebrated Grandparents Day and it was fantastic to see such a great turn out for the assembly.

School Eco Council

Well done to Miss Cullinan and the Eco Council who were awarded the Bronze award for their work on Healthy Eating and changing children's attitudes to drinking water.

School Visit

PSNI Community Policing officer Sue Wright visited the school on Friday and spoke to all the children on issues such as Internet Safety and Stranger Danger.

Prize Winners