The blog will give you a sample of life in our school. All our staff, pupils and parents strive to make our school a happy place where learning is the central focus.
With a current enrolment of 117 children, the school prides itself on the quality of its pastoral care, its academic success, its strong sporting ethos, the quality of relations at all levels and its links with parents, the parish and the community. Children benefit from a wealth of experiences ranging from academic and sporting to pastoral with emphasis on positive relationships and inclusion.

Find out more at
Check out the Literacy, Numeracy and Science activities on the bottom of this page.
Mr Seamus McCreesh

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Well Done Cormac

Well done to Cormac in P2 who did such wonderful work in literacy today

Friday, 20 April 2012

Primary 6&7 Technology Day

April Prize Winners

Congratulations to the children who received prizes in a recent assembly. These children were commended for making a great effort in their classwork during April.

April Sunshine

Mrs Magill's and Miss Quinn's classes were enjoying the April sunshine during PE on Friday.

School Eco-Council

Pictured here is our new eco-council. These children will lead the school in promoting eco friendly policies and making sure the school goes green!

Centenary Quilt

Teresa Muldoon presented the Centenary Quilt to the children recently. In her own calm and wise way, she advised and guided the teachers at every stage of planning and developing the quilt. She painstakingly arranged and stitched the squares together, transforming it from individual pieces to the complete quilt which we now have. From the bottom of our hearts we thank Teresa for her knowledge and labour which has enabled us to capture Roan so perfectly. When we first discussed the concept of a quilt in September, we did not envisage anything to the scale and quality of what we now have. We are truly grateful to everyone who has helped in any way in assisting with our project and be assured that this quilt will hang in pride of place in Roan for many    future generations to enjoy.

Camogie & Hurling

After school hurling and camogie clubs will start on Wednesday 25th 0f April for girls from Primary 3-7 and boys Primary 4-7.All children taking part should be collected at 4pm.

Zumba Dancing

The Zumba dancing after-school club will begin on Monday. Those children from P1 and 2 who are taking part should be collected at 3pm. Those children from P4 to P7 who are taking part should be collected at 4pm.