The blog will give you a sample of life in our school. All our staff, pupils and parents strive to make our school a happy place where learning is the central focus.
With a current enrolment of 117 children, the school prides itself on the quality of its pastoral care, its academic success, its strong sporting ethos, the quality of relations at all levels and its links with parents, the parish and the community. Children benefit from a wealth of experiences ranging from academic and sporting to pastoral with emphasis on positive relationships and inclusion.

Find out more at
Check out the Literacy, Numeracy and Science activities on the bottom of this page.
Mr Seamus McCreesh

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Skills Challenge

Congratulations to Cormac Byrne from Roan St. Patrick’s who achieved 1st place in the Tyrone Primary Schools Boys Football Skills Day. He beat off competition from all other Primary Schools in Tyrone and will now play in the half-time game in The All-Ireland Football final in Croke Park.

Football Success

Congratulations to the boys' football team who won the Blackwatertown 7 a-side Gaelic football tournament. The boys overcame a strong challenge from Armagh CBS in the semi-final and defeated Moy in the final in a very dramatic final.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

School Trip

This year the Primary 6/7 class  are returning to the Share Adventure Centre in Lisnaskea Co. Fermanagh on the 14th June. The children will be involved in a range of activities such as banana boating, canoeing, wall climbing and other activities. These activities are fully supervised with qualified and experienced instructors.

School Assembly

There will be a Special Assembly on Wednesday at 1.30 pm led by the Primary One children. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Additional swimming class

The Primary 6/7 class will have an additional swimming class on Monday 18th to make up for the lesson they missed on St. Patrick’s Day. Please ensure your children have their swimming gear on that day.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Mrs Martina Fay

The children said a fond fairwell to Mrs Martina Faye who spent a number of years as classroom assistant in Primary 2 and 3.

Pirates in Primary 1

Primary 1 are having great fun with their topic on Pirates.

They are learning about boats, directions and many other interesting things.