The blog will give you a sample of life in our school. All our staff, pupils and parents strive to make our school a happy place where learning is the central focus.
With a current enrolment of 117 children, the school prides itself on the quality of its pastoral care, its academic success, its strong sporting ethos, the quality of relations at all levels and its links with parents, the parish and the community. Children benefit from a wealth of experiences ranging from academic and sporting to pastoral with emphasis on positive relationships and inclusion.

Find out more at
Check out the Literacy, Numeracy and Science activities on the bottom of this page.
Mr Seamus McCreesh

Friday, 25 March 2011

Prize Winners For March

SELB Technology Challenge

Catherine, Thomas and Amy represented Roan St. Patrick's Primary School in the recent SELB Technology Challenge. The challenge was hosted by Roan for the first time with 10 other visiting schools.

Respect and Frienship

Primary 4 and 5 had a 'Respect and Friendship' afternoon on Friday. They explored issues that affected children in school through discussion, circle time and drama.

Friday, 11 March 2011

St. Patrick's Assembly

There will be a special St. Patrick’s Day Assembly on Wednesday 16th at 11.15 am.

P2/3 will be hosting the assembly.

Coin Quest

Una Fegan from Southern Area Hospice visited the school this week to talk to the older children about the service that the Hospice provides to the community. The school will also be asking the children to take part in a Coin Quest to raise money for the Hospice. This involves the children bringing home a small cardboard box and filling it with loose change from around the house. All the money raised will go to the Hospice.

Paired Reading

Many Thanks to all those parents who made the effort to come along to Monday night’s meeting with Ann Marie Flynn. We are very lucky to have the chance to call on someone like Ann-Marie who has great experience in the whole area of developing literacy skills in children. The Paired Reading program began Wednesday and any parent who has a child in Primary 3,4,5,6 or 7 and was unable to attend the meeting should contact your child’s teacher and they will be able to assist you in involving your child in this very worthwhile activity.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Friday, 4 March 2011

Special Award

Congatulations to Martin Daly and Jody Murtagh who both received a special award today for working so hard all week in school.

Well done boys!

Thursday, 3 March 2011

School Playground

Our School Playground has been extended and resurfaced this week by the SELB's maintance department. The work will mean more space for the children and a lovely flat even surface for playing on.

School Trip

The Primary 4 and Primary 5 children will be travelling to the Ulster American Folk Park in Omagh on Thursday 10th of March. The children will require a packed lunch but no pocket money is required on the trip and the school will cover all costs.

St. Patrick’s Day Disco

The  St. Patrick’s Day Disco will take place on Tuesday 15th March beginning at 7.30pm and finishing at 9pm.

All children must be accompanied by an adult. Prizes for the raffle would be really appreciated and there will be Irish dancing for all for all the children.

Girl's Football Team

Well done to the girls who represented the school in the recent indoor football competition in the Loughview Sports Centre.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

World Book Day

On Thursday 3rd March we are asking the children to dress up as a character from various types of books.

P1 Nursery Character

P2/3 Fairytale Character

P4/5 Roald Dahl Characters

P6/7 Books that have been made into films.
