The blog will give you a sample of life in our school. All our staff, pupils and parents strive to make our school a happy place where learning is the central focus.
With a current enrolment of 117 children, the school prides itself on the quality of its pastoral care, its academic success, its strong sporting ethos, the quality of relations at all levels and its links with parents, the parish and the community. Children benefit from a wealth of experiences ranging from academic and sporting to pastoral with emphasis on positive relationships and inclusion.

Find out more at
Check out the Literacy, Numeracy and Science activities on the bottom of this page.
Mr Seamus McCreesh

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

World Book Day

On Thursday 4th March we are asking the children to dress up as a character from various types of books.
P1 Nursery Character
P2/3 Fairytale Character
P4/5 Roald Dahl Characters
P6/7 Books that have been made into films.
We also would like a photo of your child reading a book with a member of their family. This can be taken anywhere- the more unusual the better.
We are also hoping to run a book sale in school on World Book Day 4th March. If you could send in any old children’s books that you no longer use, we will put these up for sale for 20p and give all the children the chance to buy a book at a very minimal cost. Any money collected will be given to charity.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Presentation to Concern

Marie Claire Gallagher from Concern received a cheque for £931 today to help the victims of the recent earthquake in Haiti. After the presentation Miss Gallagher talked to the children about where the money was going and how it would help the people of Haiti. Thank you to all the parents, children and staff who contributed to this fantastic total.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Fun Run

Congratulations to Casey and Kaitlin Gallagher, Morgan Horsefield, Michael Gallen, Hannah Donnelly and Laoise Toye who organised a sponsored fun run this week to raise money for the earthquake victims in Haiti. They showed great initiative and thought to organise the run themselves.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Prize Winner

Congratulations to Aoife McConnell P5 who was a prize winner in an Art Competition hosted by the Library in Moy.

Friday, 5 February 2010

Fundraising for Haiti

Our non-uniform day which we held to raise money for the victims of the Eathquake has been an amazing success thanks to the generousity of you the parents. Well over £850 was raised and this will be presented to the charity Concern next week when a representative will visit the school.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Staff Training

Cooking and Guitar clubs are cancelled this week due to staff training. They will resume next week. School will finish early at 1 o’clock on Thursday 4th of February for staff training. There will be a bus available for those children who normally travel home on the school bus. Those children who are usually collected from school should be lifted at 1 o’clock.

Haiti Non-Uniform Day

We all have become aware of the devastation in Haiti caused by the massive earthquake and the suffering of the people of the area. We plan to have a Non-Uniform day on Friday 5th of February to raise awareness of the plight of the Haitian people and to raise some money which can be given to the charity organisations working in Haiti. Children can bring in a donation to charity and wear their own choice of clothes on Friday of this week.